Sunday, February 14, 2010

How Much Are Tampax Pearl Ladies And/or Mothers Out There, How Do I...?

Ladies and/or mothers out there, how do I...? - how much are tampax pearl

How can I use my mother's tampons? When I proposed the idea a year ago, he turned to me and was very excited and said he would not use it. I am 17 years old and graduated from high school, but she still wants to buy, use me (the sooner my pills). I started out with tampons a few months ago during a trip to Hershey Park with my friends, it was much easier to use Tampax Pearl and Sanitary napkin / paper-thin as it is not as visible as a thick cushion and is more convenient, and I'm not paranoid about leaks. I want to go back to not be angry with me and buy tampons, but at the same time, I think I should be able to make a decision as easy to use that instead of hiding pads and go shopping with so many hidden problems. What should I do?


Anonymous said...

Are the "Oh Mom, it's 2009!" Tell him how you started and why you love. Or, as someone suggested to just not say anything.
Tell him that you need money to buy sanitary napkins and tampons as well as on.

Anonymous said...

Uruguay Round has done nothing wrong, they are buffers. I would only use ur old enough to win. THT say that u want to be treated me as a child and they can take advantage of tht'll change his mind. good luck =)

Anonymous said...

Come clean and say what they want, and your body

Anonymous said...

Are the "Oh Mom, it's 2009!" Tell him how you started and why you love. Or, as someone suggested to just not say anything.
Tell him that you need money to buy sanitary napkins and tampons as well as on.

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